“Transition / february 2014

Video produced and directed by V.O Design
Jean Louis DÔ et Martine LATAPIE
music : “Dancing in the Light of the Full Moon” de Krishna Bhatt, Debiprasad Gosh, Paolo Giaro


“New Shanti Center Project / part III – 2013

Video produced and directed by V.O Design
Jean Louis DÔ et Martine LATAPIE 
Thanks for additional music : Philippe LACCARRIERE “Playa vermelha”.


“New Shanti Center Project/ part II – 2012

Video produced and directed by V.O Design
Jean Louis DÔ et Martine LATAPIE


“New Shanti Center Project/ part I – 2011

Video produced and directed by V.O Design
Jean Louis DÔ et Martine LATAPIE


“After School Study – 2010

“Women learn to read and write – 2010


“Play School – 2010